Delaware legal marijuana bill advances; POTUS candidate pledges health coverage for medical cannabis; WV voters reject decrim ballot measure Subscribe to receive Marijuana Moment’s newsletter in your...
Oakland approves psychedelics decrim; Congressional researchers question marijuana-impaired driving; Senate Dem: medical cannabis a “laughing matter” Subscribe to receive Marijuana Moment’s newsletter in your inbox every weekday...
House reports address impaired driving, CBD & hemp; RI floats blockchain to track marijuana; Lawmakers push VA on home loan denial to cannabis workers Subscribe to receive...
Legal marijuana heads to IL gov’s desk; Key FDA CBD hearing moments; Presidential candidate raises money off legal cannabis measure he opposed Subscribe to receive Marijuana Moment’s...
Fed prosecutor caught lying about medical marijuana use; Lawmakers push to revise anti-cannabis immigration policy; FDA CBD hearing agenda Subscribe to receive Marijuana Moment’s newsletter in your...
Google bans marijuana-selling apps; CO gov signs social use, delivery & investment bills; Another study: legal medical cannabis lowers opioid use Subscribe to receive Marijuana Moment’s newsletter...
Oakland lawmakers vote to decrim psychedelics; USDA issues hemp legalization update; Cuomo ranks legal marijuana as a top-ten priority Subscribe to receive Marijuana Moment’s newsletter in your...
Poll: Early state primary voters back local marijuana laws; Former Trump cabinet member voices medical cannabis support; FDA posts CBD meeting agenda Subscribe to receive Marijuana Moment’s...
Lawmakers work on SBA help for marijuana biz; VA cannabis research catch-22 called out; Spray marijuana mist to solve nuclear crisis? Subscribe to receive Marijuana Moment’s newsletter...
Senate approves hemp crop insurance; Immigration bill has marijuana carve-out; Video: Grandma’s CBD arrest Subscribe to receive Marijuana Moment’s newsletter in your inbox every weekday morning. It’s...