As the politics around marijuana continued to evolve in 2024, so too did the policies concerning cannabis among major athletic organizations—from the National Collegiate Athletic Association...
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is facing criticism after failing to release updated annual data on marijuana-related arrests and seizures as it has done in prior...
The psychedelics reform movement went through a series of ups and downs in 2024, with a mix of victories and setbacks on the federal and state...
The U.S. State Department has officially designated an American imprisoned in Russia over medical marijuana possession as a “wrongfully detained” person, which is expected to escalate...
Americans are continuing to use marijuana as a substitute for other drugs, with analysts reporting a “sudden spike” in the consumption of cannabis as an alternative...
The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is warning Kentucky residents that, if they choose to participate in the state’s medical marijuana program...
As Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) finishes off his final term in Congress, the longtime champion of marijuana reform says his work on the issue was simultaneously...
The year 2024 saw a hodgepodge of federal and congressional marijuana policy developments—with major news related to the Biden administration’s rescheduling push, modest reform proposals advancing...
A federal agency has announced the recipients of an award honoring companies that successfully support military veterans—including a cannabis business that utilizes hemp for building material....
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) is convening focus groups comprised of marijuana businesses to better understand their experiences with access to banking services under federal prohibition....