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Feds accept cannabis rescheduling comments (Newsletter: May 22, 2024)



Obama drug czar criticizes marijuana reform; NH legalization; CA cannabis cafes; LA medical cannabis changes to gov

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The Drug Enforcement Administration has officially begun accepting public comments on the Biden administration’s cannabis rescheduling proposal, and key reform groups spoke to Marijuana Moment to preview their strategy on influencing the process.

Former Obama administration White House Office of National Drug Control Policy Director Gil Kerlikowske claimed that marijuana is “not medicine” and criticized the Biden administration’s rescheduling move, suggesting that it’s orchestrated by “Big Cannabis.”

The New Hampshire Senate Finance Committee amended and approved a marijuana legalization bill, sending it back to the floor for a final vote in the chamber this week before it returns to the House for concurrence on recent changes.

The California Assembly passed a bill to legalize cannabis cafes, months after Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) vetoed a previous version of the proposal. The new legislation contains changes to address the governor’s concerns about smoke-free workplace protections.

Minnesota lawmakers sent Gov. Tim Walz (D) a bill to make several changes to the state’s marijuana legalization law—including allowing all military veterans to be eligible for cannabis social equity business licenses.

Louisiana lawmakers sent Gov. Jeff Landry (R) a bill to transfer medical cannabis cultivation licenses from universities to private businesses.


Former Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramasway criticized President Joe Biden for allegedly flip-flopping on marijuana.

Sen. Jacky Rosen (D-NV) tweeted, “It’s time federal regulations catch up with the times. We must pass commonsense national cannabis reform ASAP.”

Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) tweeted, “Chinese criminal organizations moved to my state in record numbers to turn OK farmland into marijuana operations. We need oversight on who is purchasing our land.”

Rep. Josh Brecheeen (R-OK) spoke about his concerns with marijuana legalization during a House hearing.

Several members of Congress discussed their views on using the Farm Bill to enact restrictions on intoxicating hemp products.


Maryland Gov. Wes Moore (D) touted the Biden administration’s marijuana rescheduling and pardons moves.

Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser’s (D) budget request proposes to strip $6.5 million from a cannabis social equity fund.

The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Tribal Council, located within North Carolina, plans to approve an ordinance allowing recreational marijuana sales next month.

New York officials are ending a cannabis social equity business loan fund that a key lawmaker called “predatory.”

Arkansas regulators proposed rules on medical cannabis registration, testing and labeling.

Oregon regulators filed temporary rules on procedures and requirements for presumptive testing of hemp plants.

Montana regulators posted a marijuana packaging and labeling application for wholesalers and retailers.

Washington State regulators published guidance on a new law concerning marijuana temporary excise tax exemptions.

Michigan regulators published guidance on marijuana package tags.

New Jersey regulators posted a new webpage about municipal cannabis policies.

Pennsylvania’s Medical Marijuana Advisory Board will meet on Wednesday.

Marijuana Moment is tracking more than 1,500 cannabis, psychedelics and drug policy bills in state legislatures and Congress this year. Patreon supporters pledging at least $25/month get access to our interactive maps, charts and hearing calendar so they don’t miss any developments.

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The Ann Arbor, Michigan City Council voted to dedicate $1 million in marijuana revenue to social services.


The Philippine House Human Rights Committee held the first hearing in its investigation of the country’s bloody “war on drugs.”

The Victoria, Australia government is launching a trial on whether medical cannabis impairs driving ability.


A study found that “most patients with psychiatric disorders received cannabinoid drugs for pain” and that “doctors reported a positive effect on symptoms in at least 75% of the cases.”

A study of rats found that “use of the oily extract of Cannabis sp. in a 2:1 ratio of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC): Cannabidiol (CBD) effectively reduced hippocampal neuron deaths from amyloidosis induced in chronic aluminum chloride intoxication.”


The Democratic National Committee tweeted, “President Biden reclassifying marijuana will remove longstanding barriers to critical research into medical benefits of marijuana that could benefit veterans, seniors, and people with chronic illnesses.”

The New York Daily News editorial board is calling on state lawmakers to legalize and fund safe consumption sites for illegal drugs.


Glass House Brands Inc. withdrew its defamation lawsuit against Catalyst Cannabis Co., citing “serious concerns about Catalyst’s financial viability, which could render a judgment worthless, and harassment threats by Catalyst to Glass House’s customers, and its customers’ customers.”

Mississippi Green Oil LLC and its principals are being sued for allegedly violating securities regulations by soliciting unregistered loans that were never repaid.

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Tom Angell is the editor of Marijuana Moment. A 20-year veteran in the cannabis law reform movement, he covers the policy and politics of marijuana. Separately, he founded the nonprofit Marijuana Majority. Previously he reported for and MassRoots, and handled media relations and campaigns for Law Enforcement Against Prohibition and Students for Sensible Drug Policy.


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