“Unlike many issues, the status quo poses an immediate risk to health and safety, as these unregulated intoxicating hemp products are widely available to minors.” By...
“We are confident NMM satisfied all legal requirements and gathered the required signatures to qualify for placement on the November ballot.” By Zach Wendling, Nebraska Examiner...
“Hoosiers have made it clear—they support adult-use cannabis and are frustrated by Indiana’s outdated prohibition laws.” By Niki Kelly, Indiana Capital Chronicle If elected Indiana governor,...
“There will be a lawsuit if we are unable to get the ruling that we think we should get today. Everything will be on the record....
“Don’t buy into the argument that legalization of recreational marijuana will free up law enforcement to focus on more serious crime.” By Michael Achterling, North Dakota...
“If you take one thing away from my feelings about this, it is to avoid further delay for the industry.” By Christopher Shea, Rhode Island Current...
“We’re committed to keeping unsafe products away from our kids and ensuring that those who break the law are held accountable” By Rebecca Rivas, Missouri Independent...
The notice requires the company to remove and destroy all of the product that’s made it to dispensaries. By Patrick Lohmann, Source New Mexico New Mexico’s...
“The law is extremely clear that DHSS is not authorized to destroy product, or to demand that others do so, without a court order.” By Rebecca...
“Amendment 3 will garner more votes from registered voters on Nov. 5 than any candidate, and that’s the bottom line.” By Mitch Perry, Florida Phoenix Members...